Virgin Trains
Digital sign-in application for rail operations
1000-4999 Employees

UX/UI Design | Web App Development | Ipad App Development

Sprint created a paperless visitor management system in order to ensure contractors have the correct permit and safety briefings to work on-site. This is critical to maintaining high standards of health and safety. Virgin Trains took the project in house to deploy across all 17 managed stations.
The Challenge

Virgin Trains wanted to trial replacing paper with a technological solution to discover if technology could improve safety.

For the trial to succeed, a simple, intuitive user interface was important to make sure that everyone was happy to use the digital approach over the previous paper sheets. It was important to capitalise on the advantages of technology, rather than just replacing a paper process with a digital one like-for-like.

The Solution

Sprint created an iPad sign-in app with complementary management web app to meet the important health and safety requirements at stations.

The system allowed frequent visitors to sign-in with minimal number of taps, and ensured that everybody had a valid permit to work on site. When required, the appropriate health and safety videos were played.

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Technology stack
The Technology Stack used to build
Google Cloud
The Impact

The trial was a big success with station managers and contractors happy to adopt the digital solution. Virgin Trains gained confidence that health and safety obligations were being met by viewing reports on the web portal. The need to maintain 7 years worth of paper records in a filing cabinet room was eliminated.

Adoption across train stations in the United Kingdom

Eliminated the need to maintain 7 years worth of paper records

Health and safety obligations met

Continuous Improvement

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Virgin Trains
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Virgin Trains operate and manage 17 railway stations in the UK, with contractors regularly signing in and out of sites. To improve the efficiency of this process Sprint created a paperless solution; an iPad and web app for use in stations